Photo: Dennis Bright
Police Chief Rodney Hupp Announces Retirement
Marietta Police Chief Rodney Hupp announced his retirement on Friday, July 9, 2021, in a letter served upon Safety Service Director, Steve Wetz.In the letter, Chief Hupp thanked the City of Marietta and said that it was his honor and privilege to have served the City for the past twenty-seven years. His retirement is effective Friday, July 16, 2021.
As the press recently reported, an internal complaint was filed by an officer against Chief Hupp alleging a hostile work environment. An independent attorney investigator was retained by the City who conducted a thorough investigation, interviewing a majority of the Police Department and others. The attorney/investigator’s findings concluded that Chief Hupp engaged in conduct contrary to Marietta Police Department’s Discriminatory Harassment Policy, but that the nature of the conduct did not rise to the level of severe and pervasive conduct necessary to establish a hostile or abusive work environment under the law. There were no criminal findings from this investigation.
Captain Aaron Nedeff will continue to serve as interim Chief of Police while long-term plans are determined. We wish Chief Hupp all the best in his retirement